





1、 定制表情需要先手绘,概括出(简化,提炼)参照对象的五官特征,肢体特征,根据需要设计身材比例,例如Q版,头身比为1:1的卡通形象。确定后,在这个基础上画出你需要角度,例如正面、侧面、1/3侧面,背面,还可以根据表情需要设计仰视及俯视角度,以更好地展现表情的表现力。

2 、根据前一步设计绘制的表情形象(character)开展动态序列关键帧的绘制,也就是把动作的几个关键变化点画出来,可以用photoshop打开一些你觉得不错的动态表情文件用

3、 扫描或拍摄手绘稿(尽可能保持镜头和画面之间的平行),打开Illustrator,导入照片,新建图层,描出手绘稿上的所有线条。调整线条,填充颜色,一帧用单独一个图层,按动画帧的序列排列图层并命名。

4、打开Photoshop,按序列帧顺序复制图层上的内容到PS中,一个图层一帧。在顶部菜单栏依次打开“窗口” - “时间轴”,在画面底部升起一个工具区域,开始做动画序列帧,这一步中会需要再次返回Illustrator调整某个帧的细节,以便每一帧得以顺畅自然地衔接,另外还可以在时间轴工具里调整每一帧停留时间,用以控制动画的播放速度和节奏感。更细节地方法还请移步google或百度。






Stephen Curry is a basketball player, 29 years old, playing for the Jinzhou braves. When the library entered NBA at first, it gave the impression that it was thin and unqualified. His eyesight has never been tested. He's not tall and has very poor bounce. In many people's eyes, Curry is a person who can never play well. But in fact many people hit the face, only 29 years old Curitiba has won two championship rings, two times MVP, is also the annual performance of the best players, he is NBA's top players, is one of the greatest striker ever. All these can not do without his excellent qualities. First of all, hard work, especially in Curry's training. Curry is the most powerful player in the warriors and the hardest player. Every week, the library will throw 2000 points three points: of which, at least 250 shots a day, before each game to throw 100. If the hit rate doesn't reach 80%, he'll come back. At a young age he has calloused hands. Courier and training is not silly crazy shooting practice, he has a very high ball, in every shot, he will adjust the shot angle according to the defender's height and arm span, three shots in the defense also became his trademark. Another advantage of curry is humility, which few players can do. In training, he is always more open-minded than others, and that accelerates his progress more quickly. He is the core leader of the warriors, but never had their own declaration of library is a master of the game, he never put his teammates as a supporting role, it will make the team atmosphere more excellent, internal unity, teamwork. The last thing I want to say is that Curry is brave enough to face setbacks and failures. Curry has a childish appearance, but also a strong heart. Curry has not been recognized by other people, from the moment into the NBA, he suffered from questioning and exclusion, not only the media and comments, in the arena, he often received the opponent's bullying. He had been injuries, was considered to be outside the glass, but he has not been overthrown, after rehabilitation, more hard training, his ability is gradually revealed, Curitiba in progress slowly, the team on the rise a bit. In 2015, the warriors a path through the library, led the team to win the championship, and won the best player of the year award this great achievements, Curitiba finally proved himself, ruthlessly fan a slap in the face to those who despise him. Get the champion of the warriors in the next season, a trend which cannot be halted, is to create a record of history, but in the finals was overtake lore, the championship with the passing, but curry is not discouraged, he and his teammates to reflect on mistakes, the reconstruction team, shortly before the end of the finals, the warriors the team took revenge again defeated the union boss James led the cavaliers. Curry won the trophy again. There are a lot of bright spots in his library. His efforts are hard, modest and restrained, and strong and unyielding in his bones. Curry's talent is not significant, by virtue of his efforts to occupy a space for one person in the league, we also should be diligent in learning and life, do not care about those talents is wise, as long as you work hard, get the harvest. Modesty is also the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. To be a man should be confident, but not arrogant. Guan Jingzhou lost the. Being a man is not easy to gain recognition and respect from others. In the face of those doubts, we can not ignore, we should believe that they can do. Don't conflict with the person who questioned you, prove yourself with strength and fact, and even harder to stop their mouth.



Stephen Curry (Stephen Curry), was born on March 14, 1988, in Akron, Ohio (Akron, Ohio), American professional basketball player, the secretary point guard, playing for the NBA golden state warriors.

翻译:斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen·Curry),1988年3月14日出生于美国俄亥俄州阿克伦(Akron, Ohio),美国职业篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,效力于NBA金州勇士队。

HIs rookie year was impressive. However unfortunately, he struggled with ankle injuries which forced him to miss so many games that even those experts became suspicious on his future. Thankfully, Steph finally went through his difficult time, just as my description at the beginning.

Now the new season is coming; the Bay's team is already there. Would Steph ready manage to be a greater team-leader and bring his team to a higher stage? We'll see.











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发布于 2022-08-17 20:08:46
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